The two popular terms, cybersecurity and cloud security, are often used interchangeably. But do you know both are polar opposite in meaning and context?
Yes, it’s true. Cybersecurity means securing computer networks against threats, network attacks, or unauthorized access. At the same time, cloud security connects the data stored in the cloud platform. Though both are different in meaning, there is a slight overlap of technology used by them to perform functions.
This blog will help you figure out the significant differences between the two. Here, we’ll provide you with an in-depth understanding of cloud security and cybersecurity.
So, now let’s start this comparison drive.
Cloud Security-
Cloud security is a broad term that defines data securely stored in cloud platforms. Though it’s not the only security technology used by Cloud Computing, it’s an important one.
Data stored in cloud platforms are encrypted to secure them from unauthorized access. It offers the ability to detect security threats and respond to these threats before they take place.
The security maintained by the cloud platform includes:
Cyber security is a combination of tools, policies, security safeguards that protects the computer networks and devices against cyberattacks or any other type of network intrusion which might lead to disruptions in normal function or leakage of sensitive information.
Major security that cybersecurity protects include:
As we discussed earlier, cybersecurity offers different functionalities to protect computer networks and devices against potential threats on a network. It provides security from viruses, malware, etc., on the server-side. But it can’t decrypt or access encrypted data passed from a user to a cloud platform.
Cloud Security-
It’s always up to customers to decide how to secure the data stored in the cloud platform. It depends on which type of security technology they use while keeping their data in the cloud platforms. You can either opt for cloud services that offer this feature or use cloud security yourself.
Key Takeaway-
Cloud security can be offered by cloud service providers themselves and can also be opted for by the customers themselves. It’s not compulsory to opt for cybersecurity features when using a cloud platform.
Cloud Security-
The responsibility is shared between cloud service providers and customers who use the cloud platform during the usage of cloud services.
A breach in privacy is a breach that security experts can control through software and hardware by maintaining and upgrading security features and adding other features to protect private information.
The customer is responsible for protecting data stored in their devices which happens to be sensitive. They need to make sure no unauthorized person gains access to it.
If malware attacks their machine or someone uses it without permission, there is a significant chance they might face a penalty or jail time. Manufacturers of these devices need to ensure that their device is secure and any vulnerability issues are patched as soon as possible. If any of the above happens, the manufacturer will be held responsible.
Key Takeaway-
The liability of both cloud security and cybersecurity is shared between customers using the service and service providers.
Customers are responsible for protecting their data stored in devices. If any malware attack occurs due to which unauthorized person gains access to their device or loses it, they can face penalty or jail time.
On the other hand, manufacturers of products are responsible for the security of devices as they are liable if any vulnerabilities exist which can be easily compromised.
Cloud Security-
The responsibility is shared between both cloud service providers and customers who use the cloud platform during the usage of cloud services. Security breaches in privacy are termed privacy breaches that security experts can control through software and hardware by maintaining and upgrading security features.
Like cloud security, consumers are responsible for protecting their data stored in sensitive devices. They need to make sure no unauthorized person gains access to it. If malware attacks their machine or someone uses it without permission, then the manufacturers of these products are held responsible for it.
Key Takeaway-
Both cloud security and cybersecurity share responsibility between customers using the service and service providers.
Cloud Security-
There are two types of data storage in cloud platforms- public and partitioned.
1. Public Cloud-
Data stored in public cloud platforms are accessible by users without region restrictions. In contrast, some data stored on the platform might be only accessible to restricted areas due to compliance with laws and regulations.
2. Partitioned Cloud-
Data stored on this type of cloud platform is partitioned so that one user’s data isn’t accessible to other users. It depends on business requirements which kind of cloud platform may be opted for by organizations.
Cybersecurity can be used by both cloud service providers and customers themselves. It doesn’t have access to the data stored on the cloud platform. The protection is only given to the network from viruses, malware, etc.
Key Takeaway-
It entirely depends on business requirements for organizations to decide whether they will opt for public or partitioned cloud platforms during the usage of cloud services. Customers can either opt for cybersecurity or use it themselves, but cloud service providers only protect the network against viruses, malware, etc.
Cloud Security-
It is used by all countries globally, including the public sector, private sector, and NGOs. Because of its efficient performance, it has become popular among companies providing cloud computing services.
According to each country’s cyber policy, separate security policies need to be followed by users or organizations.
Key Takeaway-
Due to its effectiveness, cloud security is used worldwide by companies providing cloud computing services and various other organizations. On the other hand, due to different cyber policies of different countries, there are separate security policies for it.
Cloud Security-
It uses a variety of techniques that includes:
1. Cryptography-
Cryptography is converting plain text into ciphertext so that no one can access it without decrypting. It’s mainly used for file and data encryption. It works as an alternative to cloud security services which can be opted for by organizations during the usage of cloud services.
2. Machine Learning-
Machine learning is a field of computer science that provides computers with learning without being explicitly programmed. It enables them to improve performance on specific tasks progressively over time; this helps automatically detect potential threats like unusual user activity and policy violations.
3. Analytics-
Analytics is the process of examining data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information; it can be used to check for unusual user activity, policy violations, etc., resulting in potential security threats.
It uses various techniques, including network security, encryption key management system, identity access management, centralized access control, etc., to detect security threats.
1. Network Security-
It provides security to network devices, and firewalls are most commonly used for this purpose. It’s used to check the network’s incoming and outgoing traffic for potential threats like viruses, etc., which can be transferred through insecure endpoints.
2. Encryption Key Management System-
This technique uses cryptography to secure the data and protect it from unauthorized access. It’s mainly used for file and data encryption. Encrypting and decrypting data are done using keys.
3. Identity Access Management-
This technique provides centralized identity and access management, controlling user authentication and access permissions on a network or application. It also helps manage user access to critical assets.
4. Centralized Access Control-
This technique provides centralized identity management, authentication, access privileges on a device or application, etc. It helps provide secure authentication for users who are attempting to gain entry into sensitive areas of the system by verifying the user’s credentials before providing them with access. It also includes security for devices like authentication devices, smartcards, etc.
Key Takeaway-
It depends on the cloud platform if it uses cryptography, machine learning, or analytics to detect security threats during the usage of cloud services. Cybersecurity mainly offers network security, encryption key management system, identity access management, centralized access control, etc., but doesn’t directly access data stored in remote servers.
Cloud Security-
According to the cloud security policy, all data stored in the servers is securely backed up regularly. Backups are made for both primary and secondary storage, which means that if any data is lost for any reason, it can be quickly restored from the backup.
Data backup is done through physical and external storage media using software or hardware, which you can use to restore data in case of any disaster.
For example, Dropbox Backup can be used to backup files, emails, etc.
Key Takeaway-
Data is securely backed up in the cloud using both primary and secondary storage, from where it can be restored from a backup stored on their servers. In cybersecurity, data backups are done through physical and external storage media using software or hardware.
Cloud Security-
The cloud provider classifies data to keep them secure. For this, they use multiple levels of security like encrypting data before loading it onto the servers. They also provide access control and encryption keys to customers to maintain privacy and assure lawful access to their essential information and documents etc.
All personal information is stored in a centralized manner which is done based on the requirements of customers, this information is encrypted, and access control is provided to authorized persons.
Key Takeaway-
In cloud security, all data is encrypted and classified according to their needs by the cloud provider. Access control and encryption keys are given to customers to maintain privacy. On the other hand, in cybersecurity, customers’ information is stored in a centralized manner based on customer requirements, which are encrypted.
Cloud Security-
It is used by almost every organization and person to store their data securely in the cloud. It has become modern technology because of its efficient performance compared with traditional means like paper, hard disk, etc.
According to the security level required by an organization or person, they choose cloud security or cyber security. Cloud security is much more efficient in its working when compared to cybersecurity, but it is slightly expensive compared with the latter.
Key Takeaway-
According to the level of protection required by an organization or person, they can choose cloud security or cybersecurity. Cloud security is much better than cybersecurity but slightly expensive as per their performance.
So, that’s all with our study on the difference between cybersecurity and cloud security. We hope that the information provided has contributed to your understanding of these safety measures.
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