
PHI is very sensitive data. Let’s be ahead of hackers in securing it.

Cybersecurity transformation for healthcare

Cybersecurity has always been a challenge for the Healthcare sector and the efforts to tackle these challenges have produced mixed results. Like all industries, they must guard against cyberattacks, but with limited resources (be it in good times or bad times).
The move towards adopting new technologies whether it is to digitize patient records or increase in the use of telehealth tools has added benefits of making patient data global and readily accessible, making treatment for the patients faster and more efficient.

Common challenges in Healthcare security

Cybercrime is on the rise. In 2019, it showed a 40 per cent increase in data breaches in the healthcare sector. First and foremost, acknowledging the fact that there is risk and understanding the size of it is important. Here are a few common threats that the companies face:
Phishing attacks
DDoS to bring down the servers
Browser-based attacks on healthcare applications
Patients PII Data
Malware attacks (ransomware)
Data Breaches
Cloud threats
Encryption blind spots
Insider threats

Recent hacks

WannaCry: Ransomware attack(2017)
Affected more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries, with damages ranging up to billions of dollars.
Boston Children’s Hospital DDoS attack (2016)
DDoS attack led to donations page being shut down and an estimated 300,000 dollars lost in repairs.
Risk of “medjacking”
The security flaw that researchers discovered in General Electric respirators and anaesthesia machines.

Recent Hacks

Solutions for improving cybersecurity

We, here at WeSecureApp, understand all the challenges and provide the right security strategy to tackle them.
Continuous threat detection
We perform periodic security assessments and penetration testing so that organization can avoid any security threats, data breaches and also manage their reputation.
Security Framework
We work with your internal teams to identify high-risk areas to create strategies to drive down the risk as opposed to remediating it as a one-off.
Advanced threat simulation
Infrastructure security is the backbone of any enterprise to ensure that we try to simulate threat actors and achieve objectives by non-destructive methods.
Compliance Assessment
Compliance is not security but it’s a base at which an organization can build a foundation for its security program. All these mandates are meant to protect the Electronic Health Records(EHR) of your patients.
There are many security mandates like HIPAA and PCI and you would require a partner to provide continuous compliance in a dynamic IT environment and we can help you achieve that.

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