Automobile Industry Security

Build security into automobile electronic systems
Like with many industries in the 21st century, the automobile sector is facing an uptick in the influence of computer technologies to provide an enhanced experience, performance, and differentiating features. The capabilities of the connected systems enable a wide range of features and services, where the systems controlling the vehicles, or the vehicular related systems come under threat from malicious attacks and can have adverse effects.

Common challenges for Automobile security

There are many challenges in the automobile industry to the vehicles, industrial plants, and the entire enterprise IT systems. Throughout the entire lifecycle of the industry, there are security challenges. All the bases need to be covered and some of these challenges are:
Theft of personal data
Vehicle theft using digital keys, wireless key fobs
Manipulation of safety systems
Mobile application security
Supply chain vulnerabilities
Inadequate key management process
In-vehicle infotainment vulnerabilities
GPS Spoofing

Recent hacks

Toyota security breach (2019)
Roughly around 3.1 million customers had leaked following a breach of multiple Toyota and Lexus sales subsidiaries.
Security researchers hacked JEEP vehicle (2015)
Two security researchers hijacked a JEEP vehicle over the internet while travelling 70MPH.
Honda Cyberattack ( 2020 June )
It was reported that Honda was under cyber attack. Their network was targeted and key services like internal servers, applications, and email were not accessible.

Recent Hacks

Solutions for improving cybersecurity

With all these challenges, companies in these sectors require partners who understand the industry and the importance of security in every step of the project lifecycle. We here at WeSecureApp understand all these challenges and provide the necessary solutions. Take a look at some of our solutions to better understand how we could be your security partner:
End-to-end Security
We understand the need for an end to end security and strategies our approach around the defence-in-depth paradigm. Our services include assessment, strategy, and implementation to address the critical areas of the organization.
Security Framework
We work with your internal teams to identify high-risk areas to create strategies to drive down the risk as opposed to remediating it as a one-off.
Advanced threat simulation
Infrastructure security is the backbone of any enterprise to ensure that we try to simulate threat actors and achieve objectives by non-destructive methods.
Compliance Assessment
There has been a strong push for having global standards for compliance at the moment – there are many local initiatives like EVITA, Japanese IPA, J3061 Cybersecurity, guidelines, J3101 hardware protection guidelines. Our security professionals are aware and educated about all the security guidelines and will ensure they achieve the required compliance.

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