
A Risk-centered Vulnerability
Management Platform

Easy automation for the most efficient vulnerability management and a
unified console for all security stakeholders.

Streamline your vulnerability management

The lack of automation in vulnerability management is clearly visible and most of the organizations are feeling the pain of it. Full-fledged vulnerability management is when you’re able to continuously perform vulnerability scans across all your assets, correlate the vulnerabilities with various other information such as taxonomies, compliance, threat-intel, firewall, end-point data and manage the overall patches.
Strobes is a risk-centered vulnerability management platform that enables you to integrate with various cybersecurity tools to power up and streamline your vulnerability management process.

Features of the platform


Organizations have their assets all over the place, on-cloud, on-prem, containers, etc. With the introduction of cloud it has become very easy for any organization to scale indefinitely and at any point of time but this also leads to not having a single-pane view for all their long and short living assets.

Continuous Security

While assets are being spinned up on-demand, it’s difficult for an organization to instruct a vulnerability scanner to perform a scan on those assets, which today for the most of times is happening manually.

Contextualize Assets and Vulnerabilities

Most of the vulnerabilities are reported back to an organization with a severity or CVSS according to the industry standards and practices. While the mature organizations might write a few scripts to pull data from different tools to attach a context to the vulnerabilities but most of the organizations just spend their time in fixing the wrong ones.

Complete Control
On Your

Stakeholders often report back to their management with presentations that are made using data pulled in from vulnerability scanners or some old governance tools. While most of the data might look convincing but none of the data can be drilled down into actual information that is needed.

Strobes integrates seamlessly with your favourite tools

Be it Code Repository, Build Automation, SAST, DAST, Cloud or Infra Scanners, or Ticketing & Messaging platforms, we got all of them covered for you. With these integrations, Strobes can cater to your specic environment.
  • Git Leaks – Open Source

    Gitleaks is a SAST tool for detecting hardcoded secrets like passwords, api keys, and tokens in git …

  • Security Code Scan – Open Source

    Detects various security vulnerability patterns: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Si…

  • ZAP Web Application Scanner – Open Source

    Integrate owasp zap with strobes for API scanning

  • ZAP Rest API Scanner – Open Source

    Evaluate the security of rest API.

  • Nessus by Tenable – Subscription Based

    Connect strobes with nessus

  • Rapid7 Nexpose Scanner – Subscription Based

    Connect strobes with Nexpose.

  • Prowler AWS Configuration Review – (Based on AWS account credentials)

    Prowler is a command line tool for AWS Security Best Practices Assessment, Auditing, Hardening and F…

  • CloudMapper for AWS – (Based on AWS account credentials)

    CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.

  • Trivy – Open Source

    A service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automate…

  • Anchore Managed – Subscription Based

    A service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automate…

  • Slack Strobes Bot – Based on free/subscription 3rd party plans

    Send updates to your slack

  • Flock Strobes Bot – Based on free/subscription 3rd party plans

    Send updates to your Flock

  • Burp Report Importer

    Import Burp Suite scan reports.

  • Nessus Report Importer

    Import Nessus scan reports.

  • JIRA – Strobes Sync Add-on – Subscription Based

    Push vulnerabilities to jira

  • Bugzilla – Strobes Sync Add-on – Subscription Based

    Push vulnerabilities to bugzilla

  • Nessus Asset Inventory – Subscription Based

    OnBoard AWS instance to strobes

  • AWS Asset Inventory Connector – (Based on AWS account credentials)

    Sync Nessus Scan Assets with Strobes

  • Git Connector – Open Source

    Import git projects to strobes

  • Docker Connector – Open Source

    Import git projects to strobes.

  • Burp Suite REST API – Subscription Based

    Integrate burp suite with strobes

  • SpotBugs – Open Source

    Spotbugs installed with find-sec-bugs plugins does SAST analysis to find security bugs in your code.

  • Appknox Mobile Scanner – Subscription Based

    Perform static code scanning

  • Bandit from PyCQA – Open Source

    Find common security issues in python code

  • Brakeman for RoR – Open Source

    A static code analysis tool for Ruby on Rails applications

  • Dependency Scanner – Open Source

    Library scanning for security issues

  • ESLint – Pluggable JavaScript Linter – Open Source

    A static code analysis tool for JavaScript

  • Flawfinder – Open Source

    Examine C/C++ source code for security weaknesses

  • Gosec – Golang Security Checker – Open Source

    Inspect source code by scanning the Go AST

  • NodeJsScan – Open Source

    A static security code scanner for node.js applications

  • PHP CodeSniffer – Open Source

    Ensure your code remains clean and consistent

  • Sonar Qube Scanner – Open Source

    Examine python, node.js source code for security weaknesses

  • Rapid7 Nexpose Report

    Import Nexpose .xml report.

  • W3af Report Importer

    Import W3af scan reports.

  • Qualys Report Importer

    Import Qualys scan reports

  • Import Bugs from CSV Connector Flow

    Upload .csv to import bugs from 3rd party tool.

  • Anchore Remote – Open Source

    A service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automate…

  • Rapid7 Asset Inventory – Subscription Based

    Sync Nexpose Sites and Asset Groups with Strobes.

  • Import Assets from CSV

    Upload .csv to import assets

  • SMTP Email Setup

    Send updates to your inbox

  • SVN Connector – Open Source

    Import svn projects to strobes

  • File Manager

    Manage your files on strobes

  • Github

    GitHub provides hosting for version control, distributed version control, source code management, ac…

  • Bitbucket

    Bitbucket is more than just Git code management

Success Story

Get to know how India's largest finance company is using Strobes.

Addressing all these problems at once is a tedious task and not the job of a one single tool. Hence, we built a framework such that we solve these problems thoughtfully expanding its core functionality beyond what is possible and cater to the unique challenges of any modern enterprise.

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