Ransomware is a kind of software or programming script which encrypts the user’s files and blocks the user from accessing their data. The new generation ransomware malware is built with advanced encryption algorithms(AES), which encrypts the data with the help of public and private key pair concepts. Once the machine gets infected with ransomware malware, it is almost impossible to decrypt the data without private keys, which are only owned by the attacker. Sometimes, the critical information gets infected with ransomware where the company needs to get the data back from the attacker at any cost. For the decryptor software and private keys, the attacker asks for ransom in cryptocurrency.
There are mainly two types of a ransomware attacks.
1. Pre-attack scenario: Before the ransomware attack, all files and folders are safe, which means a user can access the information easily.
2. Attack scenario: In the second phase the malware run in the background it encrypts the document in a very speedy manner. Before the user can understand what is going on, the malware successfully gets executed.
3. Post-attack scenario: After the successful attack, all the files are being encrypted with an advanced encryption method, if a user tries to access the file, as it is encrypted the information will be in nonreadable format.
In most cases, ransomware attacks happen due to the exploitation of publicly known security vulnerabilities and phishing campaigns.
To avoid this kind of information damage for a company, a company must take appropriate actions against ransomware attacks like below.
Related Articles:
The 10 Biggest Ransomware Attacks of 2021- Infographic
Increasing Threat Of Ransomware to Online Business
How Not To Pay A Ransom: 3 Tips For Enterprise Security Pros
Keyur Talati
Security Analyst – WeSecureApp